인텐트 작업 요청

인텐트는 패키지 추적 또는 택시 예약과 같이 사용자가 수행하려는 목표 또는 작업을 설명합니다. 봇에서 Ask Intent Action은 사용자에게 의도를 제공하라는 메시지를 표시합니다. 자연어 이해 메뉴에서 봇 인텐트를 구성합니다. 자세한 내용은 인텐트 개요.

Architect 도구 상자에 있는 봇 흐름의 Ask 메뉴에서 Ask for Intent 작업에 액세스합니다.

이름 설명
이름 필드 작업의 고유한 이름을 입력합니다. 여기에 입력하는 레이블은 흐름 구조에 표시되는 작업의 이름이 됩니다.
질문 여기에서 발신자나 채팅 수신자에게 무엇을 하고 싶은지 물어보세요. 통화 흐름에서 입력한 질문은 발신자에게 구두로 재생됩니다. 채팅 흐름에서 이 질문은 텍스트로 표시됩니다.
입력 없음

봇이 사용자 입력을 수신하지 않을 때 생성하는 통신을 입력합니다. 예를 들어 "가까운 지점을 찾고 싶습니까?"

참고: No Input reprompts are not enabled for Digital Bot Flows. The bot returns the configuration you define in Settings > User Input > No Input Detected > No Input Apology combined with the Question communication.

입력 없음 사용자 정의

Enables the No Input Reprompts field and enables you to create a list of no input prompts that the bot incrementally returns after it receives no user input.

입력 재촉 없음

After the bot receives No Input, it returns the communication at the position in the No Input Reprompts collection that corresponds to the current number of No Inputs received for that action. For example, the first No Input triggers the bot to use the first No Input reprompt in the defined collection.

The length of the No Input Reprompt collection also overrides the maximum number of No Input retries that you define in Settings > User Input > No Input Detected > Maximum Number of No Input Retries for that particular action. For example, if you define two reprompts in the collection, the bot retries twice. An empty collection turns off No Match retries.

참고: The bot returns the configuration you set in Settings > User Input > No Match Detected > No Match Apology combined with the No Match communication.

기본 입력 없음

Enables the No Input field and allows you to define a single No Input prompt that the bot returns after it receives no input.

일치 항목 없음

The communication that the bot returns when the user’s input is not a valid match. 예를 들어, "하고 싶은 일을 다시 말해 주세요."

참고: The bot returns the configuration you set in Settings > User Input > No Match Detected > No Match Apology combined with the No Match communication.

일치하지 않는 사용자 정의

Enables the No Match Reprompts field and allows you to create a list of no match prompts. The bot returns these prompts incrementally after it receives No Match input events.

일치 재촉 없음

When the bot receives a No Match input, it returns the communication at the position in the No Match Reprompts collection that corresponds to the current number of No Match inputs received for that action. For example, the first No Match input triggers the bot to use the first No Match reprompt in the defined collection.

The length of the No Match Reprompt collection also overrides the maximum number of No Match retries that you define in Settings > User Input > No Match Detected > Maximum Number of No Match Retries for that particular action. For example, if you define two reprompts in the collection, the bot retries twice. An empty collection turns off No Match retries.

참고: The bot returns the configuration you set in Settings > User Input > No Match Detected > No Match Apology combined with the No Match communication.

기본 일치하지 않음

Enables the default No Match field and allows you to define a single No Match prompt that the bot returns after it receives No Match input events.

  • 인텐트 Enable or disable the intents this action can match. For each intent, an output path is enabled on the action. If the intent matches the user input, then the flow takes the relevant output path.
  • Knowledge: Enable or disable the Knowledge output path. When you enable the path, if a knowledge article matches the user input, then the flow takes this output path.
  • Max No Inputs: Enable or disable the Max No Inputs path. When you enable this path, if the bot exceeds the maximum number of no input retries that you set for the action, then the flow takes this output path. If you enable both No Intent and Max No Inputs paths and the bot exceeds the maximum number of no input retries, then the Max No Input path takes precedence.
  • No Intent: Enable or disable the No Intent path. When you enable this option, then the flow takes this output path when:
    • The bot exceeds the Maximum Number of No Input Retries for this action and you do not enable the Max No Inputs path.
    • The bot exceeds the maximum number of no match retries for this action.
    • The bot exceeds the maximum number of confirmation rejections for this action.
    • The user rejects all enabled intents for this action and the Knowledge path is not enabled.

참고: If you disable a path, the flows configured for that output path are hidden, not deleted.