Genesys Cloud EEA 전용 지원

EMEA/GDPR에 대한 표준 지원 모델

Genesys has implemented security controls and a world class compliance program for all customers.

Customer data is stored exclusively within the AWS region that the customer selects when the organization is created. Genesys typically utilizes global product support resources to maintain Genesys Cloud platform service levels. While Genesys development teams do not need access to customer’s personal information, access to customer’s personal information may be required as part of a product support engagement.

To further strengthen our compliance approach for GDPR and Schrems II, Genesys developed the following additional controls.

  • US Transfers. For support cases that originate from an AWS region in the European Economic Area (EEA), Genesys uses a tagging system to mark these cases as EEA tickets. EEA tickets cannot be handled by Genesys support staff located in the US. Genesys has implemented a customer-consent-based access control for cases where US personnel would provide expertise for a specific ticket or issue. Genesys has provided training to support staff, and this training covers the limitation of accessing EEA cases from the US as an additional layer of administrative control.
  • Virtual Access. Genesys has deployed a virtual access solution within AWS for our global product support and operations teams that enacts restrictions on how Genesys personnel are able to access, copy, or share personal information this ensures that no one within our global product support and operations teams can copy log files or other personal data from Genesys Cloud customers outside the region.
  • PI 감소. 문제 해결 로그에서 알려진 개인 정보(PI)를 줄이기 위해 Genesys는 로그에서 PI(예: 원시 전화 번호, 이름 등)를 제외하는 조치를 구현했습니다. 대신 해싱된(가명 처리된) 전화번호를 기록합니다. 소스 IP 주소와 고유한 사용자 ID(UUID)만 문제 해결 로그에 기록됩니다. 
  • Reducing International Transfers. In addition to restricting US personnel from accessing support tickets, Genesys further restricted access to EEA tickets to only Genesys personnel in the EEA, adequate countries, India, and Philippines.
  • Transfer Impact Assessment. A detailed “Transfer Impact Assessment” is also available to Genesys customers and partners upon request. 

EEA-Only Support Details

In addition to our standard GDPR and Schrems II controls, Genesys also offers an additional control layer in the form of an EEA-Only Support. The Genesys EEA-Only Support offer provides an additional level of transfer restrictions for personal information (PI) and is intended for customers that require support staff to be located entirely within the EEA.

Subject to the exclusions listed below, provisions of Genesys Cloud CX EEA-only support include:

  • All product support tickets will be assigned to EEA-based personnel.
  • Severity level 1 (Critical) Tickets support is available 24 hours a day using personnel based in the EEA-only.
  • 심각도 2-4(높음, 중간, 낮음) 문제 지원은 EEA에 기반을 둔 직원만 사용하여 월요일부터 금요일까지 CET 9:00~18:00에 제공됩니다. 18:00 CET 이후에는 MySupport 포털을 통해 비긴급 문제를 제출하여 다음 영업일에 처리할 수 있습니다. 참고: 이는 표준 서비스 수준을 대체합니다.
  • Storage of Customer PI processed within Genesys Cloud CX will occur only in the EEA.

EEA-Only support excludes:

  • Optional Custom Application Support (CAS) purchased separately and governed separately by the CAS support contract.
  • Additional Genesys Professional Services engagements as part of a relevant Statement of Work (SOW).
  • Use of any third-party products or services (For example: Genesys AppFoundry Applications).
  • Use of any optional Sub-Processors (e.g. social media sub processors).
  • Processing of source IP Addresses & Genesys Cloud generated UUIDs (e.g. OrgID, userID, externalContactID, and JourneyCustomerID)