Genesys Cloud Edge에 대해 반환된 통화 분석 처리

Call analysis, which is only available in wrap-up rule conditions, allows you to perform an action when call analysis detects a busy signal, answering machine, live person, or when no one answers the call. Call analysis supports the following dispositions that Genesys Cloud Edge returns. When adding a call rule, you can type these free-form call analysis conditions in the Disposition box.

통화 분석 조건 원인
disposition.classification.callable.disconnect 1-101 사이의 Q850 이유 코드 또는 0-699 사이의 SIP 이유 코드로 인해 통화가 끊어졌습니다.
disposition.classification.callable.person "hello"와 같은 인사말을 기반으로 라이브 스피커가 회선에 있는 것으로 감지되었습니다. This condition is expected to occur after line connect, and it should be ignored during pre-connect as invalid.
disposition.classification.callable.busy The line is busy–for example, the called party is on the line with another party–based on a carrier-spoken message or tone sequence. This condition is expected to be post-connect.
disposition.classification.callable.machine An answering machine was detected based on speech patterns, for example: a long greeting; a machine tone, such as a beep; or, a match against the audioprint database such as a carrier message stating, “We’re sorry, the number you dialed is not available. Please leave a message after the tone.” This condition is expected to occur after line connect, and it should be ignored during pre-connect as invalid.
disposition.classification.callable.noanswer A system timeout was reached where either the called party did not answer the call, or it was answered and there was no greeting, such as a silent greeting. This condition results in the disposition table action of disconnect with a Q850 disconnect reason code of 16, normal call clearing.
disposition.classification.callable.sit A Special Information Tone (SIT) was detected. Or, a spoken message was detected based on a match against the audioprint database and deemed to be a callable number, such as “All circuits are busy, please try again later.” This condition is expected to occur prior to line connect.
disposition.classification.callable.fax A fax tone, such as CED and CNG, was detected. This condition is expected to be post-connect.
disposition.classification.callable.lineconnected The call entered the connected state using ISDN or SIP signaling that can occur when: the phone call is picked up by a live speaker; the carrier transfers the call to voicemail; prior to a fax tone; prior to a busy tone; or an intermediary device sends the connect, which could be prior to the call being answered by a person or voicemail. This disposition can be seen if Answering Machine Detection is disabled, such as a transfer to a queue on line connect, and not waiting to detect a person or machine.
disposition.classification.callable.speech.* A short segment of human speech was detected, ~0.3 seconds; however, it is ambiguous as to whether it will be a person or machine, since not enough time has passed to disambiguate between a person or machine. This condition is expected to occur after line connect, and it should be ignored during pre-connect as invalid.
disposition.classification.uncallable.sit A Special Information Tone (SIT) was detected. Or, a spoken message based on a match against the audioprint database and deemed to be an uncallable number, such as: “The number you’ve called is invalid. Please check the number and dial again.” This condition is expected to occur prior to line connect.
disposition.classification.uncallable.notfound A Not Found error was returned, that is SIP 404.