Permissions and roles for Genesys Agent Copilot

기능 제공 예정

전제 조건:
  • Genesys Cloud CX 1, Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I, Genesys Cloud CX 3, or Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital license

참고: If your agents use Agent Assist, you must remove the Assistant > All permissions from their assigned permissions, as this contains Assistant > Copilot > View permission, and displays the new Copilot panel for them. Instead, add Assistant > Assistant > View and Assistant > Queue > View permissions for the agents.

Agent Copilot administrator role

The Agent Copilot administrator role provides administrative access to the Agent Copilot components and services.

  • Analytics > agentCopilotAggregate > All permissions
  • Analytics > conversationAggregate > All permissions
  • Analytics > knowledgeAggregate > All permissions
  • Analytics > tabConfigurations > All permissions
  • Analytics > viewConfigurations > All permissions
  • 해석학 > 흐름 관찰 > 보다
  • Analytics > queueObservation > View
  • Assistants > All permissions
  • Conversation > Suggestion > All permissions
  • Conversation > Utterance > All permissions
  • Conversation > suggestionEngagement > All permissions
  • Conversation > Summary > All permissions
  • Conversation > summaryFeedback > All permissions
  • 예배 규칙서 > 사용자 > 보다 
  • Knowledge > All permissions
  • Language Understanding > All permissions
  • 응답 > 모든 권한
  • Routing > Queue > All permissions
  • Scripter > All permissions

Agent Copilot Agent role

For your agents, the Agent Copilot Agent role provides the necessary access and clearances.

  • 어시스턴트 > 어시스턴트 > 보기
  • 어시스턴트 > 대기열 > 보기
  • Assistants > Copilot > View
  • 대화 > 제안 > 보기
  • 회화 > 발화 > 보기
  • Conversation > suggestionEngagement > Add
  • 대화 > 요약 > 보기
  • Conversation > summaryFeedback > Add
  • Knowledge > Category > View
  • Knowledge > Context > View
  • Knowledge > Document > View
  • Knowledge > documentCopy > Add
  • Knowledge > documentPresentation > Add
  • Knowledge > documentVersion > View
  • Knowledge > documentView > Add
  • Knowledge > Feedback > All permissions
  • Knowledge > Knowledgebase > View, Search
  • Knowledge > documentAnswer > View
  • 응답 > 도서관 > 보다
  • 응답 > 응답 > 보다
  • Scripter > Script > View
  • 스크립터 > 게시된 스크립트 > 보다