AudioHook 모니터 정보

Use AudioHook Monitor to stream conversation audio to third-party services and then process that audio for voice biometrics, transcription, recording, and agent assist. This feature adheres to PCI DSS compliance when secure pause runs during secure flows. However, you cannot use it for PCI use cases to stream audio during secure flows. Best practice recommends that you do not use AudioHook Monitor to process audio during PCI-relevant interactions such as Architect secure flows. 자세한 내용은 PCI DSS 준수.


AudioHook Monitor를 사용하면 대화 오디오를 타사 공급업체에 스트리밍할 수 있습니다. 

Install, configure, and enable AudioHook Monitor

AudioHook Monitor is available from the Genesys AppFoundry. The first step is to install AudioHook Monitor. Next, configure and activate AudioHook Monitor.

Use AudioHook Monitor in interaction flows

Use AudioHook Monitor in Architect call flows. When you begin streaming, select the appropriate queue or use the Audio Monitoring action.